
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Retrieve Loan Contracts

This window is used to retrieve contracts for loans that were disbursed during the selected period. Ensure that you have chosen to save loan contracts at disbursement under the menu System->Configuration->Loan Product Settings->Contracts and that you ticked the option " Print loan contract at disbursement" under System/Configuration/ Loans.

How to retrieve loan contracts

To retrieve loan contracts go to Loans/Portfolio Reports/Retrieve Loan Contracts, the following screen appears:

Note that all loan contracts that had been logged at disbursement will appear in the above grid from the lowest loan number in the range to the highest e.g. "KA/000009" - "KA/000015".

Close the report to proceed, the following dialogue box asking whether you want to clear the log appears:

Click on the Close button to quit.

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